Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!  Especially around holidays, we reflect on past family gatherings and celebrations.  Many great meals, Scrabble games, and discussions have taken place around Jeff's parents Molly Stark table.  This table and chairs shown above have been in his family since 1950.  During Jeff's parents first year of marriage, they bought the set from the previous occupant of the house they rented.  We are thinking that this family had the table and chairs for at least 5 years, dating the set to the mid 1940's.   Through many moves, the raising of two children (now in their 50's), the addition of two daughters-in-law, and the life of one grandchild (now 27), the Molly Stark table has been a constant gathering place for now approaching 65 years.  This past year, their table had to be refinished due to water damage, but it came through the process better than ever.  Their granddaughter (our daughter) loved the table as much as anyone.   She was married this year and she and her husband began searching for a similar table.  Although they had wedding funds for a dining set from these grandparents, they did not find anything near the quality of Molly Stark's solid maple.  We have done internet searches for Molly Stark for many years and found one in Detroit, but were too late to get it.  When the one we bought appreared on Craig's List we moved fast and are so glad we were able to purchase it.  We are delighted to do all this work for our daughter and her husband.  It is a true labor of love.  Right now they have their Christmas tree in the spot where the table and chairs will go.  We hope to have it finished and delivered by Easter.  Her grandparents began their first year of marriage with Molly Stark and she and her husband will as well.  We hope our daughter and son-in-law will have many happy years with their "new" table as well.  Won't it be great when her grandparents visit and share a meal on Molly Stark II?


  1. What a wonderful story to shard with us
    I love how furniture is tied to⁹ our precious memories.
    I have a dinette set with six chairs stamped Molly Stark Maple furniture on then.
    I understand this is really good and very excellent construction. It sure seems like it. I was lucky and it was given ro me for lots of work around the property.
    If anyone wants to purchase it; I will gladly see it as I am in need of $$$$ instead.

  2. I still have this beautiful dinette set with a table and 6 chairs if ya'll are interested.
    mark at 813 475 9980 or email me at
